The Bixby Middle School Jazz Ensemble is a big band comprised of dedicated and talented middle school band students. This group performs beginner and intermediate standard and contemporary charts while introducing and fostering development of jazz style in technique, culture, and improvisation.
High School Jazz Ensemble I
Conductor: Jeremy Parker
The Bixby High School Jazz Ensemble I is a big band comprised of the top musicians in the high school. This group performs advanced standard and contemporary charts while fostering development of jazz style in technique, culture, combos and improvisation. Students in this group continue to refine extended jazz techniques and methods, while supplementing their jazz historical education through research on jazz icons and movements.
High School Jazz Ensemble II
Conductor: Lara Davis
The Bixby High School Jazz Ensemble II is a big band comprised of dedicated high school band students. This group performs intermediate standard and contemporary charts while fostering development of jazz style in technique, culture, combos and improvisation.